[SEC] PermissionsPlus All the ideas and discussions
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Promote funktion sends error to me.

When I type "/promote NICKNAME GROUP" then I get an error by the server. "An internal error occured while attempting to perform this command"

My p2 permissions:
- p2.user.setgroup
- p2.user.getgroup
- p2.promote
- p2.demote

My permissions:

default: false
prefix: '&4'
suffix: ''
build: true
rank: 7
- Bewohner
- general.spawn
- general.away
- general.playerlist
- general.tell
- general.item.add
- general.who
- craftbook.*
- lockette.user.create.all
- lockette.use
- simplewarp.warp
- simplewarp.list
- citizens.trader.stock
- p2.user.setgroup
- p2.user.getgroup

Does anyone know this problem?
sincerely Chuckl0r

Chuckl0r , 24.05.2011, 06:38
Response from the site administrator
mymchost, 24.05.2011
The function only take a username and optionally world as arguments.

/promote username world

if you want to set a specific group for the user you can use:
/user -setgroup u:Username g:Groupname w:World
/groupset username groupname world

The groupset command is only available via P2Aliases which is bundled with 2.3+ but would otherwise have to be downloaded separate if you are using PermissionsPlus 2.2 or lower.
Idea status: completed


khaleel, 02.01.2012, 05:13
I get the same error I have set all the ranks info by using /group -setinfo g:Group i:plimit s:ranknumber
and /rankset but still I get the same error What have I done wrong?
I want to use the promote feature

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